The Krewe of Highland Parade route is some 3.5 miles in length and most Blanc et Noirs second line the entire route. But you don’t have to: parents pushing strollers, people whose health is at the walking level rather than dancing level — you are entirely welcome in the parade. Some may chose to form a vehicle group, but must comply with Krewe of Highland driver requirements!

Blanc et Noir is about keeping alive the Carnival connection to the Crescent City. The Surprise Jazzland Brass Band, the cheap-but-interesting costumes, the umbrellas, the masks: all these are borrowed with due reverence from New Orleans.
It’s not quite authentic. Most of us are not Black or Creole residents from Treme, New Orleans. But B&N co-founder Jerry Davenport was born and raised in the 9th Ward of New Orleans.
It’s about community. Blanc et Noir musters an exceedingly diverse group, representing several of Shreveport’s communities. Subtly, it’s about sustainability. We are walking, dancing or bicycling so as to avoid using a float, internal combustion engine and electricity for one sweet afternoon. We are there to show Shreveport that there is an alternative to mechanized marvels.
And the Red & Black Brass Band (Grambling Alumni band) reminds everyone that live music is best.

Costumes should cost little more than $1.98, we like to say. Recycle some trousers, a coat, a hat and tie! Use cheap glue and fabric paint to make it come alive.

Masking is important. It’s an ancient Louisiana tradition. It’s mysterious and fun. But you are not required to use a mask. Face paint is easy and creative alternative. Dark glasses function as a sort of mask, don’t they? (Template for medallion of Blanc et Noir Marching Society available on site!)Templates: [White Felt], [black felt background], [graphic of logo]
Umbrellas are not mandatory. It’s so much fun to decorate an umbrella — and they are so inspired by the Big Easy — that they are very popular. But you may forget the umbrella and no one will be askance.
Nor is a black-and-white outfit mandatory. The name means “white and black” but you may costume in any color you like.
Pre-parade brunch 2017 TBA. All welcome to assist in committee planning and participation.
Money! The only Serious B&N expense is that we have to pay the band. They have to rehearse, travel and perform. So we happily pay. Food will be supplied at future brunches by a committee and they will chose assessments or volunteers will prepare food as the committee and members chose.
Those unable to walk the route or who want a vehicle to assist in transporting beads, drinks or other items will work on the committee that will determine vehicles(s) that will follow the marchers. The costs associated with this vehicle will be assessed those who use the vehicle or volunteer to work on the committee. The cost of the vehicles in the past came out of the $35 fees and band fees. Some marchers bring a wagon, baby stroller or other wheels to transport supplies. Some pay the extra cost of a motorized bike or vehicle.
Your fee to join B&N is adjustable. We count on several members to pay a $100+ for a family. But $50 is also royal. $35 per person is quite fine and covers the fees, marching jazz band, additions to the brunch before the parade and keeps the festivities alive. But $10 per person is also good. What about no money? A scholarship to B&N? Yes; no problem, if that’s what you need. Contact Robert or Marion for details.